Dental clinic Dentum will start working at regular hours from May 4


Due to the safety measures caused by Covid-19, for the past month we have only been receiving emergency patients to relieve their pain and eliminate immediate teething problems.

We hereby inform you that from Monday (04.05.) we start working on regular working hours in new conditions.

Regular working hours:



It is important for us to point out that we have taken additional measures to protect Dentum patients and employees:

  • Mandatory hand disinfection with disinfectants when entering the office,
  • temperature measurement with a non-contact thermometer,
  • surgical shoe covers,
  • safety distance between other staff and patients,
  • especially ordering patients with greater intervals between appointments to avoid being kept in the waiting room,
  • additional disinfection of all office premises, surfaces and equipment after each appointment.

In Dentum, we leave nothing to chance, so as an additional reinforcement in our waiting room we have installed the most modern woodpecker high-pressure plasma air purifier, which with the latest technology removes aerosols 6-8 times more efficiently than traditional sterilizers.

Dentum Team Security

The entire Dentum team was in self-isolation during which none of the team members developed symptoms of the virus. Equally, to date, we have not received information from our patients that anyone has developed symptoms, got sick or got over the corona virus.

In order to ensure patient safety, before coming to the office, we ask patients to answer the following questions:

  • Are you constipated?
  • Do you have a fever?
  • Have you been in close contact with an infected person?
  • Are you having trouble breathing?

Ordering patients and new working conditions in the clinic:

  • we start booking from Tuesday 28/04 for the week from Monday 04/05,
  • There are three doctors and three assistants.
  • patients are ordered from one doctor from 1 hour apart – necessarily for disinfection of the office,
  • Patients can be ordered to 2 different doctors at the same time, so they will coordinate their safe entry and exit from the office,
  • between the 1st and 2nd shifts we leave 1hour apart to avoid a large number of people in one place,
  • patients who do not have permanent residence in Zagreb and want to come to the procedures, we will issue a certificate (and send by e-mail) that they have an appointment with us and can get a pass from their chosen general practitioner.

For any additional questions feel free to contact us by message in the inbox, via e-mail: or by calling the phone number: +385 1 5802 333. 😊
